Practice Questions
for D. Palmer's Visions of Human Nature
Instructions: The self-assessment exercise for Chapter
8 is a combination of answering and asking questions. Part One contains five questions
in the format you are used to from earlier chapters. Part Two sends you to the chapter report form
you're all familiar with by now, and an input form where you must submit two questions
of your own, to see if you know enough about this chapter to challenge your fellow students. Don't
make your questions too hard, though, since I would like to use the questions I get from you for
future classes. Please give me one multiple-choice question and one true-false question, taken
from different parts of the chapter. Don't click the "SUBMIT" button at the bottom of this page
until you have finished taking the test and are ready to submit your own test questions!
Chapter 8 - The Marxian Vision of Human Nature
Part One, Answering the Questions:
1. Marx argued that the communist social
revolution must be the last movement of the prehistoric stage of human history because
2. Marx conceives of human beings are "species-beings." What does
this term mean in Marx's theory of human nature?
3. According to Marx's materialistic conception of human
society, the foundation of society is composed of relations, modes, and material powers of production. On this
foundation depends the superstructure and ideology of society. Which of the following things is part of
neither the superstructure nor ideology?
4. Which of the following is not part of Marx's concept of the alienation of labor?
5. Marx's theory of human nature has a lot to do with his understanding of economics.
Which of the following is the best description of the relationship between the laws of economics and the character of
human nature as Marx saw them?
Part Two, Asking the Questions:.
When you have finished the quiz, click the "Report" button below to fill in your multiple-choice and true/false
questions and send a progess report to the instructor.